Cours semestriels de 30, 45 ou 60 heures
- Économie Internationale
- Économie du Développement
- Histoire de la Théorie Économique
- Marxian Economics
- L'Œuvre Économique de Marx (Das Kapital, Grundrisse)
- Sociologie et Psycho-sociologie de l'Économie
- Théorie des Crises Économiques
- Sociologie: Les Classiques
- Méthodes Qualitatives
- Sémiotique Appliquée
- Histoire des Idées & Philosophie Politique
- Sociologie Culturelle
- Sociologie et Psycho-sociologie de la Publicité
- Communication Interculturelle
- Marketing International
- Management Interculturel
- Commerce Interculturel
- Changement Social
- Marketing à But Non Lucratif
Pays dans lesquels Dominique Bouchet a enseigné: Australie, Belgique, Brésil, Canada, Chine, Danemark, Angleterre, Finlande, France, Hongrie, Inde, Irelande, Italie, Japon, Mexique, Maroc, Norvège, Pologne, Portugal, Russie, Espagne, Suède, Turquie, Ukraine, États Unis.
Principalement au sein des programmes de doctorat : The Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Arizona State University, University of California at Irvine, Stockholm University, Izmir University of Economics, Paris Dauphine, Paris Sorbonne, ESSEC, ENPC & HEC in Paris, ESADE in Barcelona, Universidad de Valladolid, EAISM, & EDAMBA (Two European Business Research Associations organizing international doctoral courses). Il a organisé ganized 11 doctoral courses each lasting for four to nine days in Cross Cultural Communication, Business Research, Advanced Qualitative Methods, Consumption Theory, and Semiotic, Textual, and Visual Analysis.
Dominique est intervenu dans de nombreuses associations et organisations en Scandinavie pour des publics allant des jeunes enfants aux personnes âgées et de tous milieux sociaux. Il a été souvent loué dans les médias pour sa capacité à communiquer sur des questions académiques complexes de manière compréhensible à de nombreux publics différents.
Bouchet est consultant pour de nombreuses entreprises européennes au plus haut niveau de décision. Il a aussi été invité à donner des conférences par de nombreuses entreprises et organisations du monde entier.
Marketing Revue officielle de l’Association Française de Marketing. (The French Marketing Association’s journal for executives and researchers)
THESIS ELEVEN. Critical Theory and Historical Sociology.
GESTION Journal Canadien
Consumption, Markets and Culture.
“Haefter for gaestfrihed”, Copenhagen, Denmark. (A Journal of political philosophy dealing with issues related to the European Union and integration problems within democratic states).
La Création Sociale. Sociétés – Cultures – Imaginaires publication from the Centre de Sociologie des Représentations et des Pratiques Culturelles, Université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble, France.
PARADOKS (transdisciplinary Scandinavian scientific journal).
PARADIGMA (transdisciplinary Scandinavian scientific journal).
LA LETTRE DU GROUPE SCIENCE CULTURE (transdisciplinary French scientific journal)
A été solicité pour l'évaluation de professeur par quatre universités américaines.
Est occasionnellement membre du comité d'évaluation des candidatures pour les postes, les promotions et les soutenances de thèse des universités suivantes :
University of Southern Denmark (for the Social Sciences) (formerly “Odense University”) more than six times (among those 3 full professorship positions);
Odense University (for the Social Sciences and for the Humanities) plus d'une vigtaine de fois;
Roskilde University (for the Social Sciences) plus de six fois;
Aalborg University (Social Sciences), plus de sept fois;
Copenhagen Business School (Handelshøjskolen i København), plus de cinq fois;
School of Engineering in Horsens (Eksportingeniøruddannelsen ved Ingeniørhøjskolen – Horsens Teknikum);
Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale du Danemark;
Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, Norway, plusieurs fois;
Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen;
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Sogndal Høgskulen på Vestlandet), plusieurs fois;
Stockholm University, Sweden, plusieurs fois;
Danish Council of Research in Sport and Physical Activities;
Membre du jury d'évaluation des examens pour .. graduate and postgraduate levels (MBA & Ph.D) in the Universities and Business Shools of Copenhagen, Roskilde, Århus and Aalborg as well as in ICHEC in Brussels and Norwegian Business School in Oslo.
A été membre du jury de plusieurs compétitions organiséss par des universitée, banques, communautés, associations et entreprises.
A fait partie du : Programme Committee (and reviewer) of the ’92, ‘94 & ‘98 Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC).
Program Chair for the first, second and third Conference on the Cultural Dimension of International Marketng, 1992, 1995 and 1997.
Occasional Reviewer for the Journal of Consumer Research, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Culture, Markets and Consumption, Acta Sociologica, Journal of Business Research Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, ’de la revue internationale canadienne’ Gestion and a few other journals.
Occasional Reviewer for ACR (Association of Consumer Research) conferences as well as for a few other conferences around the world.
Dominique Bouchet has taken initiative to organized the following colloquiums: When in Aalborg: 1978: The dynamics of society; 1979: Use and Abuse of Marx Thoughts: Analyses and Doctrines; 1980: Utopia and Modern Society. In Odense: 1982: The Paradigm of Complexity; 1983: Karl Marx Jubilæum; 1984: Crisis Theory, Theory in Crisis; 1985: Town Planning and Socialisation – Advertising and Socialisation; 1986: Complexity and Auto-organisation; Prevention of Crime and Public Policy; 1987: Science at a Turning Point; 1989: Perception of Economic Systems and Reorganization of Economic Tools. 1993: Marketing and Art. 1995: Markting et Postmodernité; Globalisation and Postmodernity. Confronting the American and the European Approaches; 1996: The Challenge of Complexity.
Co-organizer of a colloquium on “The French National Identity” held by the French academic authorities and the University of Copenhagen in Copenhagen in 1987.
Co-organizer of a conference on “Marketing et Postmodernité” held by the AFM (Association Française de Marketing) på Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris in 1995.
Organizer of the first and second colloquia on “The Cultural Dimension of International Marketing” held in Odense respectively in May 1992 and May 1995.
See also Colleagues*…
Dominique Bouchet presented papers at the following conferences:
USA: AMA Winter, ACR, MacroMarketing,
Rest of the world: ISMD Marketing & Development, ACR Asia-Pacific
Key note speaker at the following international conferences
ACR Asia Pacific July 1996
Marketing & Development 1997
EDAMBA 2nd Ph.D. supervisor’s Workshop 1998
The first Chinese-French Cross Cultural Conference: « Dialogue entre les cultures » Séminaire Interculturel Sino-Français de Canton 1998
100 Years Jubilee Scandinavian Conference on Sport Children and Youth 1998
* [NB!:Man kunne placer dem alfabetisk I kolonner med dato I parentes efter navnet]
Dominique Bouchet has taken initiative to invite the following researchers to Denmark and organized a research seminar for them to present their research to other researchers: 1979: Maximilien Rubel; 1980: Miguel Abensour; 1982: Edgar Morin; Margaret Manale; 1986: Jean Baudrillard; Yves Chalas; Mioara Mugur Schachter; Ilya Prigogine; 1987: Cornelius Castoriadis, Jacques Donzelot; Edgar Morin; 1988: Francisco Varela; Geneviève Calbris; 1990: John Sherry; 1991: George Fisk; Ronald Tuninga, Ugur Yucelt, Sidney Levy, Philip Kotler, Alladi Venkatesh, Deborah Ashley, Fuat Firat; 1992: Alladi Venkatesh, George Fisk, Saadi Lahlou, Claude Fischler, Erdener Kaynak, George Cheney; 1993: Alladi Venkatesh, George Cheney, Fuat Firat, Han Srinivasan; 1994: Pierre Guillet de Monthoux, Romain Laufer, Annamma Joy, Ruby Dholakia, Nikhilesh Dholakia, Jean-Claude Usunier, Fuat Firat, Güliz Ger, Young Rak Choi, Robert Salais; 1995: Fuat Firat, Russ Belk, Richard Wilk, Stephen Cummings, Han Srinivasan, Suresh Subremian, Patrick Hetzel, 1996: Alladi Venkatesh, Russell Belk, Jean-Claude Usunier, Güliz Ger, Nikhilesh Dholakia, Eric Arnould, Cliff Shultz II, Edgar Morin, Ken Friedman. 1997: Linda Price, Eric Arnould, Alladi Venkatesh, Dominique Desjeux, Jean-Marie Floch, Alladi Venkatesh, Alain Drouard, Richard Wilk, Anne Pyburn. 1998: Karin Ekström, Nikhilesh Dholakia. 1999: Benoît Heilbrunn. 2000: Emilio Roger Ciurana; 2001: A. Fuat Firat, Romain Laufer, Raoul Motta, Rachid Amirou, Florentina Moreno Pelae, Evert Gummesson; 2002: Romain Laufer, Lisa Peñaloza ; 2003: Daniele Dalli; A. Fuat Firat, Romain Laufer; Christiane Peyron-Bonjan & Edgar Morin (cancelled in the last minute) 2004: Daniele Dalli; Nikhilesh Dholakia; 2005: A. Fuat Firat, Romain Laufer; 2006: A. Fuat Firat, …; 2007: …; 2008: … ; 2009: Romain Laufer, Anne-Flore Maman, …; 2010: Sidney Levy …; 2011: Nikhilesh Dholakia, Max Chauvin, Peter Murphy; 2012: Max Chauvin, Nikhilesh Dholakia, Peter Murphy; 2013: Nikhilesh Dholakia, Max Chauvin,.
Doctoral Seminar on Qualitative Research Methods in the Management Sciences.
Prepared for the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)
Held at Leuven (Louvain) in Belgium, August 28, to September 1, 1995
Faculty: Søren Askegaard, Russell Belk, Dominique Bouchet, Lars Thøger Christensen, Per Østergaard & Alladi Venkatesh.
Doctoral Seminar on Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing.
Held at Odense University, Part 1: October 23 – 26, 1995 & Part 2: November 27- 29, 1995.
Faculty: Dominique Bouchet, A. Fuat Firat, Per Østergaard & Alladi Venkatesh.
The Cultural Dimension of Business Research. A Doctoral Seminar on the Cultural Embeddedness of Marketing, Consumer and Organizational Research.
Held at Odense University April 13 – 20 1996.
Faculty: Russell Belk, Dominique Bouchet, Lars Thøger Christensen, A. Fuat Firat, Güliz Ger, Suzanne C. Grunert, Jean-Claude Usunier & Alladi Venkatesh.
The Cultural Dimension of Business Research II. A Doctoral Seminar on the Cultural Embeddedness of Marketing, Consumer and Organizational Research.
Held at Odense University May 17-25/ 1997.
Faculty: Eric Arnould, Gary Bamossy, Dominique Bouchet,, Dominique Desjeux Güliz Ger, Linda Price, Majken Schultz.
The Cultural Dimension of Business Research III. A Doctoral Seminar on the Cultural Embeddedness of Marketing, Consumer and Organizational Research.
Held at Odense University November 13-20, 1998.
Faculty: Søren Askegaard, Gary Bamossy, Dominique Bouchet, Janeen A. Costa, Nikhilesh Dholakia, Lars Thøger Christensen, Dominique Desjeux Güliz Ger, Majken Schultz.
The Cultural Dimension of Business Research IV. A Doctoral Seminar on the Cultural Embeddedness of Marketing, Consumer and Organizational Research.
Held at Odense University June 9-17, 2000.
Faculty: Eric Arnould, Søren Askegaard, Russell Belk, Dominique Bouchet, Lars Thøger Christensen, A. Fuat Firat, Güliz Ger, Romain Laufer, Linda Price. With a short visit by Alladi Venkatesh!.
Doctoral Seminar on Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing.
Held at the University of Southern Denmark – Odense Main Campus, November 19 – 25, 2001.
Faculty: Soeren Askegaard, Dominique Bouchet, A. Fuat Firat, Romain Laufer, Kazuhiko Okuda & Per Oestergaard.
The Cultural Dimension of Business Research V. A Doctoral Seminar on the Cultural Embeddedness of Marketing, Consumer and Organizational Research.
Held at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense June 1-8, 2002.
Faculty: Søren Askegaard, Russell Belk, Dominique Bouchet, Lars Thøger Christensen, A. Fuat Firat, Güliz Ger, Romain Laufer, Lisa Peñaloza, Linda Price.
Consumption Theory : A Canon of Classics. A Doctoral Seminar in Consumption Research.
Held at University of Southern Denmark, Odense, May 30 – June 4, 2004.
Organized by A. Fuat Firat and Søren Askegaard with my help
Faculty: Søren Askegaard, Dominique Bouchet, A. Fuat Firat, Douglas Holt & Craig Thompson.
Semiotic, Textual and Visual Analysis I. A Doctoral Seminar on Advanced Qualitative Research Methods.
Held at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, June 6 – 11, 2004.
Faculty: Russell Belk, Dominique Bouchet, A. Fuat Firat, Güliz Ger.
The Cultural Dimension of Business Research VI. A Doctoral Seminar on the Cultural Embeddedness of Marketing, Consumer and Organizational Research.
To be held at University of Southern Denmark, Odense, June 20-25, 2005.
Organized together with A. Fuat Firat
Faculty: Eric Arnould, Søren Askegaard, Dominique Bouchet, Lars Thøger Christensen, A. Fuat Firat, Romain Laufer, Linda Scott & Alladi Venkatesh.
TRANSPARENCY Ph.D. / Research Seminar in Communication November 2010 in Odense
Romain Laufer, Lars Thøger Christensen and Dominique Bouchet
Marts 1991: Ph.D. seminar on Cross Cultural Management at the Graduate School of Management,University of California at Irvine, USA.
April and October 1991: Ph.D. seminar on Cultural Marketing at J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA.
Marts-April 1992: Ph.D. seminar on Cross Cultural Management at the Graduate School of Management,University of California at Irvine, USA.
August 1994: Ph.D. seminar at Stockholm University.
Januar 1995: Ph.D. seminar in theory of science at Aalborg University.
December 1995: Ph. D. seminar on Cross Cultural Marketing at the David S. Eccles School of Business, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA.
January 1996: Ph.D. seminar on Cross Cultural Management at the Graduate School of Management,University of California at Irvine, USA.
January 1996: Ph.D. seminar on the use of Semiotics in Marketing at the David S. Eccles School of Business, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA.
September 1996: Ph.D. seminar at Stockholm University.
March 1997: Ph.D. seminar on the marketing of luxury goods at ESSEC in Paris.
March 1997: Ph.D. seminar on the use of Semiotics in Business Research at ESADE in Barcelona.
April 1997: Ph D. seminar on consumer behaviour organized by MTC, Stockholm.
July 1997: Ph.D. seminar organized near Auch in France by the EDAMBA network
March 1998: Ph.D. seminar on Semiotic and Interpretative Methods in Qualitative Research « Why do we desire necessity in management ? » for the EDAMBA (European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration) at ESADE in Barcelona.
April 1998: Ph.D. seminar on Intercultural Communication at the Sorbonne in Paris.
January 2000: Doctoral seminar at the University of Valladolid, Spain.
March 2000: MBA seminar at the University of Valladolid, Spain.
March 2001: Doctoral seminar at the University of Valladolid, Spain.
March 2002:
June 2005: Doctoral seminar at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
... Texas Pan American, USA
... etc. voir PURE
Février 2015: Doctoral seminar at Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble, France.
Février 2016: Doctoral seminar at Grenoble University, Grenoble France.
Octobre 2016: University Texas Rio Grande, USA
Avril 2017: University Texas Rio Grande, USA
Février 2018: Université of Texas Pan American
June 2019: Doctoral seminar at Izmir University, Izmir, Turkey
Janvier 2020 : Texas Pan American, USA
Janvier 2021 : Texas Pan American, USA